Saturday, August 29, 2009

Right or Left

Many students that I see have mixed dominance. They have not established consistent use of either the right or the left side of the body. Here is a good link with relevant vocabulary and activities for you to check out. Mixed handedness connected with social competence here.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

ANTs - Automatic Negative Thoughts

During IM training, I use the term ANTs alot. Automatic Negative Thoughts - ANTs. I borrowed the concept from Dr. Daniel Amen's book, Making a Good Brain Great. As many as 75% of the individuals I see, both children and adults, have atleast one day of some ANTs.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Can We Fine Tune Our Brain Clocks?

Dr. McGrew has a particularly infomative post about timing, a good overview of all research he's collected. Check it out. This image of timing in the brain I particularly like too. If you could draw a picture of what I believe IM can do in the brain, that is, line up those hills and valleys in our brains electrical signaing during sensory processing so as to 'calm' the storm or organize the brain, this might be what it looks like. Read his post. Great information.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Digging Deeper - Other programs with scientific backing for neuro plasticity.

I recently had the opportunity to meet a family that visited the Restored Hope Remedial Sevices in the Kansas City area. I was impressed with the number of scientifically based interventions recommended to this family.

Friday, August 7, 2009

A neuro-typical 12 yr old male - what does 'typical' look like?

One of the greatest blessings of my career in IM is the wide variety of individuals that I have an opportunity to see. People do not need to go to the doctor, have a diagnosis, or even struggle to go through IM with me. As a result, I see many neuro-typical (NT) people, both children and adults, and of all ages.
What do I mean by neuro-typical (NT)? I mean average, typical, having no neuro-developmental delays/disorders, no diagnosis ... just solid, healthy, typically functioning people. Most of the NT individuals that I see are family members of a child I saw for developmental delays. NT students move differently than the children with neuro-developmental delays. This video of one NT student I trained shows typical movement patterns.

Impulsiveness as a timing disturbance: neurocognitive abnormalities in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

This paper, published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Journal sites impulsiveness as a timing disturbance.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

20 Milleseconds - Can your child score this low?

Dan Feldman, from the UC Berkley,  recently discovered that rats brains synchronize for optimal learning at about 20 milliseconds.  Early in my IM career, I discovered that when students work the ms average down to about 20 milliseconds (ms), magic occurs.  Not real magic of course, just mental processing becomes extremely efficient, high quality, in the elite range on the IM charts and most of all, it feels great! People love to get into the teens in IM.