Tuesday, October 26, 2010

SafeMinds - Keeping our children's brains healthy

Here are two great resources of information on how to help our children and the next generation regain healthy brains. You can read an entire book on line here. Just click, down load full report on the link, or read some basics here.
SafeMinds - Autism Mercury Thimerosal - Mercury - Key Lessons Learned

Monday, October 25, 2010

iLs news

Great News - About a month ago, I became certified in another technologically advanced, brain training program that has good prospects for helping children succeed.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Brad's Insight - The GRRR feeling during meltdowns

Personal story.  People that know me know that I started this business because Interactive Metronome helped my own son tremendously. After years of searching for answers, IM was his answer. People also know I love to tell Brad stories, he's a miracle child (young adult now but I'm the mom so he will always be my child) and his story brings others great hope. IM parents who just happen to meet him love seeing the potential ahead for their own child.