Monday, October 25, 2010

iLs news

Great News - About a month ago, I became certified in another technologically advanced, brain training program that has good prospects for helping children succeed.
Over the last 3 or 4 years the number of students that have a fight or flight response seem to be increasing (student who 'melt down' fairly easily.).  Integrated Listening Systems, iLs, looked promising for this population. My first 7 yr old is going through it presently and is on session 8. His dad reported today that he and his wife believe they are seeing some positive gains in that their son seems to be calmer, has more emotional control.  IM was extremely difficult for him, not because he couldn't do it, but because emotionally he couldn't handle the intensity of IM. I am so very excited that  iLs seems to be doing the trick. YES!  iLs is much less intense (therefore takes longer too.). I still have to think fast and work my creative juices to get this little boy to cooperate someof the time but less so than with IM. Eventually, I'm hoping his emotions and sensory system will settle enough with iLs that he will be able to go through IM more easily.   My first positive feedback on a new program!  I'll keep you informed.