Saturday, October 24, 2009

Free Brain Games

Looking for something other than Suduko and crossword puzzles? Lumosity is a site with some free brain games.  You can sign up to purchase more, but you can also just play a few of the free ones. These are good working memory, visual processing, and decision making games.

Autism Prevalance

Today, one out of every six children born will be diagnosed with a neuro developmental delay (NDD) I believe my son, born in 1985, was one of those early cases.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Re-wiring the Brain - It's possible!

Michael Merzenich, a neuroscientist specializing in neuroplasticity discusses the cause and cure for children with language  delays. Most children with learning impairments have a brain that has specialized for "noisy" speech. The brain processes in a defective form because early in life the process was noisy. Causes vary from noisy environments, to ear infections, to a 'noisy' brain. That is, a brain that has different time concepts and different space concepts!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Don't be the child in the classroom left with dial up.

"Very little has been focused on the fact that we could potentially improve the child's ability to learn any content by making a better brain." says Dr. Paula Tallal, "An analogy I use is that, I pay an awful lot more money to have a faster internet connection. You can do a lot more with fast speed cable connections. I don't want to be the child in the classroom left with dial up."

In this town hall meeting at the Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center at the University of California educators and scientist collaborate to find the best educational experience for our children.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dyslexia Link

As many as 15% of our children may have some form of dyslexia. Visit here to view the warning signs and find more information.