Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Re-wiring the Brain - It's possible!

Michael Merzenich, a neuroscientist specializing in neuroplasticity discusses the cause and cure for children with language  delays. Most children with learning impairments have a brain that has specialized for "noisy" speech. The brain processes in a defective form because early in life the process was noisy. Causes vary from noisy environments, to ear infections, to a 'noisy' brain. That is, a brain that has different time concepts and different space concepts!
Looking in more depth at this 'noisy' brain you see different time concepts and different space concepts. Merzenich says you can literally measure these differences. Time concepts are about 11 times longer in duration on average than in a normal brain. Space concepts are about 3 times greater. These brains are going to produce poor reading because reading is dependent upon the translation of word sounds.

Dr. Merzenich reports that you can train the brain out of this, it takes about 30 hours of refining the machine, our language processor. 30 hours, maybe that's why I continue to see just about the same amount of continued gain with sessions 15 to 30 in IM. This is the first research I've heard that might give IM providers a reference for how much IM might be the optimal amount for children with reading disorders.

In old age, the machinery is again deteriorating in it's ability to process space and time concepts accurately and that leaves the aging person with cognitive and physical struggles. You can actually look down on that brain and see it's having difficulty with time and space concepts.

Merzenich is very interested in applying this knowledge of time and space variant in reading struggles to populations like Autism and Parkinsons! IM is being used widely for autism and Parkinson's, why, because it's positively impacting these lives,by impacting their processing of time and space. Watch this video!