Saturday, October 24, 2009

Autism Prevalance

Today, one out of every six children born will be diagnosed with a neuro developmental delay (NDD) I believe my son, born in 1985, was one of those early cases.
My son is doing awesome now, a success story - but these success stories take work, education and action.

IM can help rewire these insulted brains, but can we prevent the insult from happening in the first place!!! Here's a great graph from TACA showing the rate of increase in autism, one of thee most severe of these neuro-developmental delays. This is not OK. Learn about toxins, nutrition, and exercise. Become active in your grandchildren's future. We CAN and do make a difference. If your child is one of the one in six, you can make a difference in your child's life. Read, learn, keep moving forward, it can get better! I see it every day.