Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How IM might impact sleep patterns and night terrors.

Washington University just published some fasinating research discussing how ones 'master clock', a specific region of the brain, helps us keep track of our 24 hour sense of time. This master clock seems to talk with various other 'clocks' with in our body.
"The SCN is the master clock that synchronizes other biological clocks, like your liver or your lung. Those peripheral clocks can keep 24-hour time, but not for very long," says Herzog. The researchers are now focusing on the connections that help synchronize and stabilize these biological oscillators."

Many of my parents have expressed extreme difficulty in their child's ability to fall asleep at night, a process I've always associated with our 24 hour clock rather than IM's millesecond clock. But more often than not, after doing IM and improving the child's millesecond clock, the child is also falling asleep easier, staying asleep longer, having fewer night terrors, and even rising the next morning easier. Maybe the interconnections between these biological clocks, as shown in this research, is the reason IM impacts sleep patterns. Read about these sleep gains on my data spread sheets on the right side of this blog. I would guess about 10% of the individuals I see will report significant improvements in falling asleep or rising. One child experienced frequent intense night terrors for a long time. Mom reported that these terrors fell dramatically in frequency and intensity post IM. Does improving the millisecond clock impact the 24 hour clock? Time will tell. (And another area for some IM research!)