Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Balance.... So important

I'm reading a book, Balance:  In Search of the Lost Sense, about the vestibular system or--in layman's terms--balance. (This book is also available at the Topeka Public Library.)  Balance is a crucial sense that we don't think much about.  There is an intervention program based solely on this process to improve attention, reading, academic issues, Balametrics.   In IM, tasks 12 and 13 are balance tasks.  I also add balance foams, discs and other challenges as the student progresses in IM and is ready for the increase challenge.  Slightly different from Balametrics, which works balance to improve timing, we work timing and include balance activities.  Both are essential to allowing individuals to reach their fullest potential. If your child falls a lot, bumps into walls, sprawls across the table to do homework, or spills their milk more than is typical, these may be red flags for you.