Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Book: Delivered from Distraction

Dr. Edward Hallowell's 2006 book, Delivered from Distraction, has some great quotes about cerebellar stimulation - Interactive Metronome, the Dore Method and Brain Gym being the three types of cerebellar simulation he mentions.

These quotes are from Chap 29: Cerebellar Stimulation

"Cerebellar stimulation is a treatment that might help you or your child profoundly, perhaps getting to the root of the problem instead of treating the symptoms". p239

He also shares his own personal story about his son Jack. Jack hated to read! In 2003, after he and his wife had taken the steps that should have solved Jack's problems, they found themselves asking what else could they do. Remember, Dr. Hallowell is an EXPERT - I read his book in the 90's when my son was struggling. He knows the best practices for children who struggle, writes books about them! His quote, that I totally can relate to, "A parent just wants to find help for her child. The more I listened to parents, the more I was roaming outside the usual boundaries of child psychiatry in my search for help for Jack." p230

In time Dr. Hallowell tried cerebellar stimulation for Jack, the Dore Method mentioned above. His son Jack went from hating to read to loving to read, a very common gain I see with IM. "I was elated that we had found a treatment that worked." p232 Another quote, "The cerebellar exercises were able to help in a way that no other intervention had." p.233

The progression of his thoughts: "The whole idea of gaining access to emotion and cognition through physical movement seemed strange to me at first, but the more I learned about it, the more sense it made." p233 He quoted Scientific American stating "The cerebellum may play an important role in short-term memory, attention, impulse control, emotion, higher cognition, the ability to schedule and plan tasks and possibly even in conditions such as schizophrenia and autism." Look at my data speaks graphs - through my experience,those are exactly the tasks that parents notice gains in after IM training!

He ended the chapter, "Whenever I see my son Jack happily reading a book, I feel glad I gave this treatment I had never heard of a chance." p 239

The future of cerebellar interventions: "I felt frustrated knowing how long it will take to produce the studies we need. I had read enough and learned enough and seen enough to recommend that people give it a try." p235 All the research will take years, but I think, and Dr. Hallowell thinks we are on to something good!

Thank you Dr. Edward Hallowell for sharing your own story of success and looking outside the box!