Friday, April 17, 2009

New Beginning II? In Second Graders Family

Cool Cool Story.... and it so fits with my earlier blog today! Today may be the beginning of a new beginning in this family........ and this girl's only in 2nd grade, not a senior in high school like Brad!

Tonight one of my winter IM little girls stopped by with her mom.  Both this 2nd grader and her big sister had gone through IM at the same time a couple of months ago.
 Mom had said at the final conference that she's glad she put both girls  through at the same time because had she only sent the little one, she probably wouldn't have believed IM made any difference.  But because she saw so much gain in the older daughter, mom trusted at least that IM works for some children.  Little sis was still struggling alot, mornings were so stressful besides other concerns.

At that time I had told mom to not worry, sometimes it's a little after IM ends before you see any gains. I often hear good reports a couple of months out.  So here's the story I heard tonight, which happens to be a couple months out :)    

Last night was a big concert night. The family was out late and the little sister didn't get all her homework done.  Mom had non chalantly said little sis could get up early and finish it before school, besides get ready for a big special day and night today (little sis' first communion). Well, little sis, on her own, set her alarm clock for 4:00 this morning. Got up - by herself!  Alone! and did her homework, dressed, and was all ready by the time mom got up. Then all day long she did well emotionally with all the festivities of the day. Mom was impressed! So was I.

This little sis is only a second grader. She planned ahead, followed through, managed emotions when tired - in essence she was responsible, intiated, and stayed calm way above what I would expect of most 2nd graders. One of the issues during IM that troubled mom so much was how little sis just stood there and would not get going in the mornings, always needing so much prompting. Huge Fun Gain!

Don't expect this responsible behavior every day, this little girl won't be this grown up every day, non stop, from here on out. IM doesn't do that. Today was a special day - that probably played a role, but it did prove she COULD do it.  She could think ahead, she could follow through, she didn't get distracted 3 minutes into it and mom find her playing barbies in her pajamas at 6:00 am. That skill was now available to her. Slowly expect for this skill to increase over the next 6 months or a year. Hopefully soon she'll fall into the more 'typical' child population. Wouldn't that be cool. See the next blog that I posted just an hour ago to see how neatly this story fits into that post!  I think it was meant to be!    If just one family can have more 'typical' and less 'struggling'.... it makes my day.   Thanks for stopping IM family :).  I love the stories :)