Monday, May 11, 2009

IM during the Summer Months

Summer is a great time to complete IM training.  At IM Focused, summer IM training looks like a 'mini IM camp.'  

We meet for 15 week days straight, plus two evaluation days (0ne pre and one post) and have scheduled 2 - 3 days of sick/conflict/extra days right into the schedule. In schools, I follow a very similar schedule, completing training in about a month. The nice part about in school training is you don't have to transport to and from, it's all right there at school. The challenging part is getting enough students interested in one school ( presently only private schools have offered IM in house through IM Focused)

Our IM mini camp (summer or school) goes 75 minutes each day Monday through Friday.  
Group mode takes precedence over individual mode during the summer. Individual mode is called Sync in the IM Data Spread sheets. Often children under 8 yrs old will need to wait until the school year but sometimes I'll get a group of under 8's with their parents available to be one on one coaches during summer. See here for more information about parent/child IM teams.  

Those students that are 9 yrs and older and in a regular classroom can usually do group mode unless there are more major issues. Eight yr olds are that pivotal age. I need to pre-evaluate this age child before accepting them into a group.
Groups are small and very individualized, usually 3 - 4 students. Children get to know each other and develop a lot of camaraderie.  We teach the children how to actively encourage one another, and reinforce individual improvement.   There are benefits to both. Of course individual mode has more individual attention, but group mode is less expensive. Children seem to gain just as much in group modes as in individual modes.