Tuesday, May 26, 2009

UC Davis MIND Institutes Toxicology Conference

This is not an IM post but a potential reason WHY we are needing so much IM. Click here to watch Dr.Stuart Freedenfeld, M   as he speaks in VERY people friendly terms in his presentation, Defending Your Child From a Toxic World. "The brain is particularly sensitive to toxic exposures during development.
With 87,000 new chemicals in our environment, we are a living experiment and our children are the lab rats", Dr. Freedenfeld says. He gives us very specific items in which we should avoid exposing our children to - styrofoam, tyflon, BPA in baby bottles and more. I highly recommend watching this, especially if you know someone in the childbearing years or want to avoid desease later in your own life. He says, just learning where these toxins are in our environment can make a big difference, just by being informed. I prefer Dr. Freedenfeld if you just have time for one of these.

 Elise Miller, M Ed. speaks of how developmental disabilities are growing astronomically and what leaders in science are focusing on to prevent them. Pound per pound children are so much more vulnerable than adults to these toxins in our environment. Here's a link to her presentation.