Wednesday, October 19, 2011

IM assessment - Overflow movement

When your child comes into IM Focused for an assessment, I am going to predominantly measure their timing. Timing is directly related to the efficiency and accuracy of mental processing. This score tells me a lot about your child. Less measurable but just as significant is the way in which your child moves. I put this video together for a presentation for some Kansas City OT students. Some helpful information for parents that these OT students most likely already know is:

Overflow - This is movement other than the movement desired. An common example is when the preschool student opens and closes their mouth matching the opening and closing of the scissors. This tells something about that child's mental processes.

ATNR - Assymetric Tonic Neck Reflex is a normal reflex that everyone has, but after 18 months or so, this reflex should not be spontaneously firing anymore. If it is, a child can have challenges attending, sitting still copying from the board, etc. A child that predominantly makes backwards circles usually will test positive for an ATNR that is not well integrated.

 I thought parents could also benefit by watching this video before your child comes in for an assessment. You will know some of the movements I am looking for then. Here's the video.