Friday, February 8, 2013

Top 10 Questions About iLs
1. How much does iLs cost?
Therapists interested in purchasing iLs equipment must first complete iLs training.
Once trained, the cost of equipment ranges from $295-$1895. The cost of an iLs program to the end user varies depending on how iLs is implemented within a practice. End users can find an iLs practitioner by using the Provider Locator on the iLs web site or by contacting iLs.
(see or
2. How long is an iLs Program? What is the structure of the program?
Program sessions are 30 - 60 minutes in length, with a recommended frequency of 3 - 5 times per week. Program length is flexible and depends upon the therapeutic objectives as well as the client’s circumstances. Most programs are 40 - 60 sessions over a 2 - 5 month period. Longer programs are recommended for those with developmental challenges.
3. What if my client/child has auditory sensitivity and can’t wear headphones?
One of the most consistent areas of success with iLs programs is reducing a child’s auditory and tactile sensitivity. We typically recommend beginning with the iLs Pillow at home prior to beginning a clinic program involving headphones. De-sensitization is best achieved in an emotionally secure environment, and listening to the Pillow in the security of one’s own home is an effective start to the process. Most children are able to begin using headphones in a clinic program after a week or so of using the iLs Pillow at home. Oftentimes, it is advisable to begin with shorter sessions and increase them gradually as the child’s sensitivity decreases.
4. For whom is iLs appropriate?
Professionals implementing iLs report the most significant gains in the following areas:
Sensory processing
Language and processing

Concentration and focus
Fine and gross motor function
Emotional regulation, mood and self-confidence
Cognitive functions
5. Do I qualify for iLs training?  
Registration criteria for training includes an undergraduate degree or equivalent in health care, education or other related area. Requests for exceptions are considered on an individual basis.
Certified professionals and assistants in the following disciplines can be trained: Speech and Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Educator, Educational Therapist, Medical Doctor, Registered Nurse, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Counselor, Social Worker, ADHD Coach, Neurofeedback Therapist, Naturopath, Athletic Trainer, Audiologist and other therapists and health care providers.
6. Does iLs have supporting research?
Yes. Research, pilot studies and case studies are available online.

7. Can I use an iLs system at home?
Yes. iLs programs may be conducted at home if overseen by a certified iLs Associate. It is common to combine home use with a clinic program in order to achieve the recommended 3 - 5 times per week frequency. Use our Practitioner Locator to find an iLs Associate near you, or contact us if you need assistance.
8. Can the iLs Pillow replace the main iLs sound/movement program?
We consider the Pillow to be a therapeutic tool/bridge to help with stress, sleep and sensory sensitivity (prior to or during an iLs program).  The main iLs program has a high degree of interactive multi-sensory training which can be customized toward achieving therapeutic goals. For many, the Pillow is an adjunct to a therapeutic program.
9. What makes iLs different from other therapeutic programs?
Sound + Movement: iLs uses a multi-sensory approach which combines sound with movement to stimulate the visual, vestibular and auditory systems simultaneously. After 15 years of using sound therapy alone, the iLs clinical team can confidently report that the combination is more effective than listening alone. For optimal brain function, our neurological system needs to handle stimulus from all the senses. 
Program Customization & Value: iLs programs are specifically developed to help meet therapeutic objectives.  The Total Focus, for example, comes with over 200 hours of music in multiple programs which can be combined and tailored for client needs. The larger music selection is important for customization, as well as listening variety.
Equipment Durability:  iLs’s robust equipment is designed for daily use in busy practices.   Metal housing and rechargeable amplifiers add to equipment durability.  Bone conduction quality is a critical decision. Our engineers have been making bone conduction systems since 2000.
Interactive Language Program:The Interactive Language Program (ILP) is designed to improve auditory processing and language skills, which are essential for full social and academic success.
iLs Pillow: iLs has developed a patented means of benefitting from bone conducted sound without the use of headphones. This is important for those who are sensory sensitive, as well as those who are challenged by anxiety and have difficulty sleeping.
10. Can I get credit with my association for training, and will I be an iLs Practitioner after completion of the course?
  • iLs is an American Occupational Therapy Association Approved Provider of continuing education.
  • Successful completion of the One-Day Practitioner Training Course will result in 10 contact hours or 1.0 AOTA CEU.
  • Practitioners seeking credits with other organization are frequently successful when applying directly with their organization.
After a practitioner has successfully completed the course, they may use the designation “iLs Associate Practitioner” and are qualified to purchase the iLs equipment.

NoteA: This information comes directly from iLs, I'm just re-posting it for my clients here.