Monday, January 26, 2009

Emma's Story - IM and the Very Young Child

Last year at our IM conference we were able to watch some video of an AMAZING story of a little 18 month old girl who was the first infant documented to receive IM training. Her gains were absolutely phenomenal. I was recently visiting with a mom about the gains I've seen with preschoolers - wonderful gains - and Emma's story came up. I thought I would link to it. Even if you don't have an infant needing IM, it's a great story of success. A baby, never thought to be able to even sit up by herself or functionally talk, now is in preschool walking with a walker and working on gaining language skills every day.

Occasionally I have parents that note changes immediately - after just one IM session. It seems so bizarre, but I hear comments enough that I know they are happening. Emma laughed for the first time after her first IM session. When listening to this mom speak, it seemed as if almost every session brought on a new behavior.

A word of caution: When I share such things, parents sometimes get the idea they will see gains in one day. That's the exception, not the rule, but when it happens, it's so exciting!

To read Emma's story , click the blue link, then on the Most Recent Posts link, then the search button. On the 10th question down on this page you can read the story (You'll see "18 month old" at then end of the title). I expect it won't be located there long as it's a 'recent post'. I was hoping I could link right to the story but no such luck.