Sunday, January 11, 2009

Retained Infant Reflexes

I've been reading for a couple of years now about retained infant reflexes. I want to collect and post some related information on this site.

During my practice I've noticed some very identifiable patterns related to retained infant reflexes. Some children come into IM with a desire to make 'backward' circles, clapping in a downward motion rather than the upward motion of the task. When I test for Assymetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR), just about every child with this tendency will show some level of the ATNR infant reflex. I'll look for some information online about the ATNR soon. If you are the parent of a child I'm working with you'll find these two books on my shelf. Feel free to read them while you wait. They specifically talk about retained reflexes.

Ready Body Learning Mind Book

Here is a little information about the STNR, another reflex. I'll add more as I find more.