Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Collections of Links about retained infant reflexes.

Reflexes Learning and Behavior

I am greatly interested in integrating reflexes through modified IM tasks and have gathered a significant amount of information on the subject. Here are some books I recommend.

 Of course, IM hours are vastly  limited in relationship to family life time. Parents wanting to learn some 'play' forms that would be helpful for their child should check out this collection of information or google search your self.

Ready Body Learning Minds  This book offers an easy read version of the above, not as much detail, but very practical and easily applicable basics. The activity guide has wonderfully fun activities for children to do. Here are more links. I have not read even most of these - it's just a collection for those of you interested.

Reflexes and learning difficulties 

Brain Gym Training in AZ focusing on reflexes by Kathy Brown

Moving Towards Balance

Developmental Delay Resource by Sally Goodard

Inhibition of Primitive Reflexes by Rosemary Boon

Reflex Integration by Mary Rentschler

This site has collected many many links I'll post here rather than refinding all of these. It looks like a very similar list to what I'm working for here.. Here's the source site for the info below.

Information Resources About Human Reflexes

web information resources:

http://www.centeredge.com/ArticPDF/Retained.pdf - Retained Reflexes in Children and Adults and Their Effects on Learning, Behavior and Performance  - Kayth Brown, M.Ed.

 - Balancing to Resolve Fear Paralysis Reflex - Kayth Brown, M.Ed.
http://www.akcsm.com/RPR.htm - Retained Primitive Reflexes: Their Effect on Learning, Behaviour and Quality of Life
Structural Corrections That Assist Their Integration
 - by Keith Keen, Sydney, Australia 1999 - Head Start Health

http://www.inpp.org.uk/reflexes/index.php - Reflexes and Learning Difficulties - INPP, The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology

http://www.neurodevelopmentaltherapy.ie/primativereflexes.html & http://www.neurodevelopmentaltherapy.ie/subpage.html - What Are Primitive Reflexes? from Institute of Irish Association of Neurodevelopmental Therapists (Reflex Integration)

http://www.therapyedu.com/pedi/chapter9.htm - an extensive list of primitive and infant reflexes - a chapter from a book which is part of a class
from TIS' Pediatrics Continuing Education Section

http://www.masgutovamethod.com/articles.htm - You Are a Winner: Movement's Role in Trauma Recovery -

Svetlana Masgutova, Ph.D. and Pamela Curlee Revised - includes research and statistics

Sue Hyland's resources:
http://suehyland.co.uk/ond_ndd.html - What is Neuro-Developmental Delay (NDD)?
http://suehyland.co.uk/ond_reflexes.html - What Are These Primitive Reflexes and What Effect Do They Have (note: other steps on her pages)
http://suehyland.co.uk/ond_postural.html - What are the Postural Reflexes?
http://www.babyzone.com/baby/newborns/photos_infant_reflexes - 10 Amazing Infant Reflexes (Caught on Video)

http://www.totalchiro.com.au/primitive_reflexes.htm - Total Chiropractic - Retained Primitive Reflexes - Sara Winchester, B.Sc(HM), M(Chiro), Dip (Sports Chiro), Cert(AK). Cert (Webster)

 Vagus Nerve Innervation (10th cranial nerve; "The Fear Paralysis Reflex operates via the parasympathetic nervous system, which is intimately involved with the vagus nerve.")

http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/P/PNS.html - Organization of the Nervous System

The sudden infant death syndrome induced by "the fear paralysis reflex'? by Kaada B.

 - A positive Approach to Autism - Stella Waterhouse - much of the book is online
 - Let the Children Move - Jon Bredal, MA.

book information resources: (may include web information as well)

http://www.fernridgepress.com/window.html Sally Goddard Blythe, N.D.T. Reflexes, Learning and Behavior: A Window Into the Child's Mind

 - Trauma Recovery - You Are a Winner - Svetlana Masgutova, Ph.D. and Pamela Curlee

classes about reflexes:

 - Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute™ Neuro-Sensory-Motor and Reflex Integration - classes & more

http://www.braingym.org/ - See course listings - Brain Gym® 101 is a pre-requisite for the reflex classes
http://www.inpp.org.uk/ - The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (INPP) - Sally Goddard Blythe, N.D.T. -
helps children and adults with specific learning difficulties, co-ordination and behavioural problems

to access professionals who address
http://www.masgutovamethod.com/ - email to ask for trained practitioners in your area (contact me if you are local to Portland, Oregon, USA
and would like Carla to call you about a reflexes balance)

http://www.braingym.org/ - See listing of instructors / consultants, and ask the individual if s/he has been trained in reflex work

http://www.inpp.org.uk/special_needs_training/index.php - The 
Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (INPP)