Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Flame Retardants linked to ADD and Autism

Numerous studies and agencies, including the National Toxicology Program and the California Environmental Protection Agency, have linked halogenated chemicals (a common flame retardant found in furniture, mattresses, homes) to cancer, thyroid disease, reproductive problems, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, child autism and a long list of other ailments.  This quote from the article, "Playing with fire" is just another reminder that toxins in our environment need to be scrutinized and eliminated as much as possible. You are reading this blog because some one you love dearly is struggling more than they should have to. As my own children enter this world of exciting parenthood, I want them to find the joys of healthy babies, not the challenges of raising a child who struggles from the damage caused by mandated environmental toxins. IM helps fix these neurological challenges that so many children have but can we prevent the problems from even happening!?!?! There are things we can do and do today!

California is drowning in autism - a very high prevalence there. And, the  sheer cost and many vocal parents are making that state a leader in the nation in trying to find the causes and take action. Flame retardants are just one area of many toxins they are pursuing.  University of California's  Davis MIND Institute's Toxicology Conference is a great resource. All the presentations are posted on line for public viewing of national leaders on this issue.  Education is the best tool we have.