Monday, March 22, 2010

Post IM - what to expect down the road.

Recently I've recieved two emails from mom's post IM  that made me smile. I would like to share them with you.
 All I want is for my IM students is that they have a chance at a typical life, not one drowning in homework, missing recess and having no friends. I want them to have what typically developing boys and girls have - ups and downs, success mixed in with some learning opportunities, a friend or two that really cares. Here are the two notes I just received.

1. First grade boy, went through sync last fall - lot's of focus, impulsivity issues, poor timing. Lot's of 'red' days at school pre IM. You hate only hearing the negative from the teachers, but then when you stop hearing the negative, you know something is different.  It's been 6 months

A------- was just talking about you last week.  He asked if we could go visit you, just to say Hello and see how you're doing?  We just got done with Spring Break and he had a rough time getting ready this morning.  But overall he is doing very well.  I have continued to see progress with his overall behavior and ability to stay focused.  He has had 20 green days in a row and is working towards having green days everyday until schools out. 

He has made some friends at school.  And has been invited to play at their house plus they call and talk to each other on the phone.  He had his haircut recently and requested for clippers to be used.  (which would not have happened pre IM)  He's starting to enjoy reading a more and is progressing with his Math Skills. 

I don't feel like I'm dealing with behavior that's negative or disrutpive as often and it's been easier to find things to praise about instead of feeling like I'm promoting things with negative reinforcement. 

Summer is coming up soon, and
A------ is excited about playing baseball.  They have had one practice already.  A---- (sister) started dance school so he has been exposed to the waiting game but been surprisely patient during those times.   

Does that sound fairly typical!!!! Love it!!!

2.  First saw T--- as a grade school boy with extreme focus issues and some Asperger's characteristics. He was missing almost all of his recesses for unfinished homework, a practice that I think does not work!!!!  Teachers were fairly frustrated, which I don't believe was very helpful either, and his mom continues to search all avenues that might help him and is very proactive, a gift for this child.  T---- completed basic and then core conditioning spread over the last 4 years as well as other interventions. He had some hemispheric imbalances, timing issues, impulsivity issues and focus challenges. He worked hard in IM and I saw some wonderful results during training. It's now been 2 years since I've seen him last. He's a freshman in high school and here's mom's note:

Lori, might call to do some summer stuff (Advanced IM ) closer to school time.  T------ will have his restricted license so we have some more flexibility getting him places and me missing less work.  Yea!  Anyhoo, T------  is doing well in high school, few blubs with grades (English) but for the most part he has adjusted well and is doing better.  LOVES BAND!  Freshmen year kinda flew by…still have a tutor for him and he is doing the ionization treatment with a local chiropractor here in town.   Hopefully, things are settled for now and I can get back on track with some additional things.  

I'll read between the lines - It sounds like he's basically fitting into the new environment, most classes fairly acceptable grade wise (which protects the child's self esteem tremendously) He's participating and ENJOYING extracurricular activities - a huge opportunity to learn social skills and life skills, adjusted to the switch to high school from a small private school fairly well - that can be a tough transition, especially for children on the Autism spectrum.  He's not ' cured' but it sounds like he's getting some typical experiences in, is able to fit in atleast, along with some more interventions to continue the progress. (My son was 17 yrs old before we found something extremely helpful for him..... IM... that's why I'm an IM provider. The earlier the better, but it's never too late.)  So T --- is much better than 4 years ago when teachers  were throwing up their hands is confusion/frustration (the sense I got from his teachers back then) and he's still gaining, able to participate in opportunities for growth :). Good notes :)